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ABS CNC Machining

Best ABS CNC Machining Services Manufacturer from China

Keen to obtain the best ABS CNC machining services? Quotes at Kingsun/ABS. The company is the number one manufacturer in China, and all projects carried out at the organization are characterized with accuracy. Our team of specialists is equipped with advanced technologies that meet your designs accurately and timely. Kingsun/ABS is the solution to every ABS machining concern. For all your projects, please come to us and let us tell you how we can help you to take your project to the next level.

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ABS CNC Machining
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    Kingsun's custom abs parts Solution

    providing customized parts to suit your requirements in terms of strength and efficiency.

Kingsun's Custom ABS Parts Solution will be the right choice for industries where strength and precision engineering are essential. Our attention to detail allows us to manufacture each part to exact specification restraints which allow for reliability and performance in automotive, electronic and consumer goods.

Thanks to our customization options we are able to create ABS parts for various project scopes and provide solutions that complement your design. We make use of the modernized technology in production of components made with such materials and they also work on improving the general productivity of your products.

With persistence in quality management and the popular motto of ‘the customer always comes first’, Kingsun verifies that every single item produced has passed through rigorous quality control stages. Because of such commitment to quality, customers do not have to worry whenever ABS materials are purchased from us as they will enhance their work and promote growth in their industries.

From making the necessary prototypes to volume production, everything is combined in Kingsun’s Custom Superior ABS Parts to offer you not only the required technical skills but also customer needs satisfaction. Choose Kingsun for the best quality ABS parts that provide satisfying results.

abs plastic parts

ABS plastic parts have certain plastic, made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, practical and aesthetic values, which includes being durable, lightweight, and having good impact resistance. It is because of this adaptability, especially in mass production that it finds application spanning from automotive, through consumer to electronics.


$ $ $



Max part size

200 x 80 x 100 cm

Wall Thickness

0.75 mm

abs plastic parts

Kingsun's Expert ABS CNC Machining Services Explained

Uncover Kingsun’s Professional ABS CNC Machining Services! We guarantee total accuracy and quality at all times with the help of our state-of-the-art machinery. Check out how we can improve your project with our expertise! 🚀 #CNC #Machining #Kingsun

Properties of Machined ABS Materials

PropertyValue Range
Ultimate Tensile Strength22.1 - 74.0 MPa
Yield Strength13.0 - 65.0 MPa
Hardness (Rockwell)R 68.0 - 118
Electrical ConductivityInsulator, (1.00 times 10^9) to (1.00 times 10^{17}) ohm-cm
Thermal Conductivity0.150 - 0.200 W/m-K
  • details about ABS materials

    ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is a highly useful thermoplastic that is primarily utilized in production and 3d printing. In a way, ABS plastic is the strength and heat resistant plastic ideal for manufacturing both industrial products and consumer goods. Its properties enable it to be machined easily and provide good surface quality as well.

Finishing Options for CNC Machined ABS Parts
Finishing Options for CNC Machined ABS Parts
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    Finishing Options for CNC Machined ABS Parts

  • Polishing: Creates high gloss surface promoting aesthetics and decreasing sliding friction.
  • Sanding: Applies the surface treatment technique in surface preparation where small imperfections are smoothed out.
  • Bead Blasting: An operation performed in order to clean or prepare the surface where small abrasive beads are propelled onto the surface.
  • Painting: Provides an array of colors including an aesthetic appeal and additional protection.
  • Vapor Polishing: Involves the application of vapors with solvents, resulting in a shiny and smooth surface devoid of any grease,.Inner cleaner.

Discover Kingsun's CNC Surface Finishing Services

Designed with great attention and detail in raising the quality and accuracy of products through the use of modern technologies and professional know-how. Take a look at our detailed guide on CNC surface preparation.

CNC ABS Machining Services for Precision Plastic Parts | Get a Quote

Today’s trends in manufacturing trade point toward high precision. To achieve quality production, technologies such as CNC machining are employed, especially for components made of ABS. According to Nadine (2007), it is reliable and ABS has useful features including strength and heat resistance. Wystans blog discusses the advantages of CNC machining services for ABS plastic and its relevance in various industries especially automotive and consumer electronics. The purpose of the material is to help the audience understand the different types of machining processes, the properties of ABS resin, and the improvement in productivity and quality of work with the use of CNC machining.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about ABS CNC Machining Service

Q: What is ABS plastic CNC machining?

A: The process involving the use of computer numerical control (CNC) machines to fabricate parts out of ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) plastic is referred to as ABS CNC machining. This technique enables custom production of ABS plastic parts with intricate details and tight tolerances in an efficient and consistent manner, showcasing the toughness of ABS material.

Q: Why is ABS plastic favorable in terms of its toughness and application in CNC machining?

A: In terms of CNC machining, it can be said that ABS plastics are very advantageous and beneficial as it possesses good mechanical properties, is relatively inexpensive, is of fine surface quality and is very strong. It is also light, easy to use, and well suited for any application that requires tough machined parts from suckers to prototypes or production parts in many industries, including enclosures.

Q: What products use ABS machined parts most often in various machining services?

A: Components made of ABS machinings are extensively utilized in automotive components, electronic housings, consumer products, prototype development, and medical equipment. They are also extensively used in trouble-free applications where strong, lightweight parts are required with good mechanical parameters and good corrosion properties.

Q: What are the differences regarding the CNC Machining of ABS parts and the 3D printing of ABS parts?

A: Even if those methods are somewhat capable of generating ABS parts, the reasons are that the CNC machining has better accuracy and surface quality as well as strength than the 3D printing methods. When making a lot of parts and those with a high degree of accuracy, it is necessary to use CNC machining. When low-cost prototype or small production runs are needed, it is advisable to use 3D printing.

Q: How practical is it to apply the CNC machining of ABS on new real or imagined objects?

A: There are a few aspects to consider when CNC machining ABS so that it can be done in the most effective manner. Some of the major splan should include: use of sharp tools cutting, optimal cutting speeds and suitable feed rates, and provision for cooling to avoid melting or deflecting. In machining any component, it is necessary for the component being machined to be held in a fixed position to prevent vibrational and cutting impacts on the part.

Q: Is it permissible to cut ABS plastic in a CNC milling machine with metal workpieces during plastic machining?

A: While both procedures could also be used to manufacture all plastic and metal components using a single CNC unit, it would almost always be good practice not to do so, and rather take advantage of the use of dedicated machines or at least different tools suited for each material. Often this practice will avoid unnecessary cross contamination of materials and provide better machining conditions for any given material.

Q: What are the limitations of ABS plastic CNC machining?

A: Some limitations of ABS CNC machining are that the part can warp or melt if not cooled correctly during machining, the part has lower heat resistance than some other plastics, and can sometimes lead to stress cracking due to exposure to specific chemicals. Also, walls very thin or concerning features may present difficulties of machining accurately.

Q: How do the optical properties of CNC machined ABS plastic parts compare with that of molded ones?

A: CNC machined ABS parts undergo specific processes that allow for a good finishing especially for interior surfaces, which may also be comparable to or better than that which is achievable with molding. However, the values of certain parameters and operational modes determine the specific degradation. Formed components may have an evened distribution of surface roughness along the direction of construction, as it is on the dominated surfaces. Machined parts, on the other hand, may be provided with close tolerances, complicated forms and use unusual features.

Q: Tolerances achieved with ABS CNC machining that are typical of the practice can be indicative of the capabilities of plastic machining services.

A: Close tolerances can be achieved with an ABS CNC machining process with most tolerances being held to ±0.002 to ±0.005 inches (0.05 to 0.13 mm) for most linear dimensions. However, the thickness and angles tolerances may vary with the internal or external planes and angles of a specific part besides height and width, dimensional limitations, machining equipment, and degree of operator skill. Higher tolerances may be possible using specialized methods or devices in ABS plastic CNC machining.

Q: What is the performance of ABS as compared to other plastics in CNC machining?

A: Out of the many plastics this one is referred to as one of the easiest to machine owing to better machinability and dimensional stability. It tends to achieve moderate strength, impact resistance, and cost effectiveness. PEEK or other plastics materials such as Delrin, on the other hand, may be more suitable where much heat is involved or less friction is desirable.

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