Titanium Grade 1
Titanium Grade 1 near commercially pure titanium and it is well known for its excellent creep properties, good resistance to corrosion, are very ductile and can be formed in variety forms. It retains high degree of plasticity and cold work ability and hence, it is the desirable Titanium Alloy for parts requiring good cold working. This grade finds extensive applications in manufacturing of air frame structures, fabrication of cryogenic vessels, constructing heat exchanges, and condenser pipes. Due to its high purity, it can also be used to a great extent in high temperature applications such as deep drawing of less than 2000 degree centigrade.
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Titanium Grade 1 (UNS R50250).
The material withstands cold working, machining, and welding. It is mainly used in applications where high corrosion resistance and good formability are useful, in aspects like chemical processing, maritime applications, and medical prosthetics.

Kingsun's senior machining engineer
Titanium Grade 1 Properties
Mechanical Properties
- ‘’ Tensile Strength –’’ Around 240 Mega Pascal
- ‘’ Yield Strength -’’knowledge 170 Mega Pascal approximately
- ‘’ Elongation -’’ About 24%, in 50mm
Physical Properties
- ‘’Density -,’’ 4.51 gram per centimeters cubed
- ‘’ Modulus of Elasticity -’’, Clear 105 Giga Pascal
Thermal Properties
- ‘Thermal Conductivity’ - Approximation of 16.4 W/m*K
- ‘Coefficient of Thermal Expansion’- Partly About 8.6 µm/m*°C 20C-100C.
Electrical Properties
‘’ Electrical Resistivity, -’’ Chalet around 420 nӠs m
Post Treatments
- ‘’Anneling-‘’ Commonly done as a post-process to enhance ductile behaviour and relieve built-in stresses. Annealing temperature extent is often between 650ºC and to about 790ºC.
- ‘Stress Relieving:’ Performed for reduction of the residual stresses without a considerable impact of the mechanical characteristics. Generally, as a rule, this is done at a temperature range of 480ºC to about 595ºC.
Common Applications
- ‘’Medical-Implant: – the material is also used for implants and medical equipment, as it is easily processed and biocompatible.’’
- ‘’Chemical Processing: – the metal is employed in corrosion resistant equipment such as heat ex changers and condenser tubing.’’
Recommended Reading

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is titanium grade 1?
A: Due to its remarkable combination of strong corrosion resistance, excellent formability and good ductility, titanium grade 1 is known as commercially pure titanium. It’s also low in weight and high in strength, contributing to its applications in many fields, particularly in the use of cp grade titanium.
Q: What are the mechanical properties of titanium grade 1?
A: Cut-off values for the mechanical properties of titanium grade 1 are yield strength of about 240 MPa, tensile strength of about 350 MPa and fracture elongation being rather ductile which makes it applicable in many engineering fields.
Q: Where does titanium grade 1 fit into the comparison of titanium grades?
A: Among the commercially pure titanium grades, titanium grade 1 is the softest grade and hence offers very good formability and weldability. However, titanium grade 2 and grade 3 gives increased strength but titanium grade 4 is the strongest of them all.
Q: What are the common and usually performed factors that make USA grade 1 titanium wanted?
A: Titanium grade 1 is often utilized in specific high corrosion resistance applications including marine, chemical processing, and airframe structures in the aerospace industry due to its lowest density.
Q: What is ASTM B265?
A: The ASTM B265 standard specification covers titanium and titanium alloy sheet, plate, and foil, providing a comprehensive data sheet for manufacturers. Apart from the chemical constitution it also deals with the mechanical and structural properties and processes of titanium grade 1 product.
Q: Can titanium grade 1 be welded?
A: Yes, titanium grade 1 has excellent up to very good weldability. Due protective measures and sufficient preparation efforts must be made to prevent contamination and guarantee the quality of the weld in titanium metal applications.
Q: What is UNS R50250 in relation to titanium grade 1?
A: UNS R50250 is the designation of titanium grade 1 material in the unified numbering system which is meant to ease or standardize the material and its properties identification within the different industries.
Q: How is titanium grade 1 typically fabricated?
A: Machining, forming and welding are the several techniques that can be employed in the fabrication of titanium grade 1. Due to good ductility and some other properties it can enable the making of tubing or wire.
Q: What are the chemical properties of commercially pure titanium grade 1?
A: Grade 1 of titanium possesses high chemical resistance, especially to oxidizing acids and chlorides in particular, and therefore can function within such environments. Low content of carbon and oxygen is necessary to retain ductility and other mechanical properties and temperature in titanium grade 1.
Q: Why is ASTM F67 important?
A: ASTM F67 – A specification, which is using for pure titanium grade 1, is the most relevant for biomedical implants and prostheses. It guarantees that titanium grade 1 is being brought up to the required levels of biocompatibility and engineering requirements for surgical usage as specified by suppliers.